The Power of Play and Games

“It is through play that we really learn to live.” J. Huizinga

It is no longer possible to imagine creative, lively activity with groups without using games. Through play people get to know one another in a different way and “encounter“ one another in the full sense of the word, leading to a real sense of togetherness.


  • Fundamentals of play leadership:
    The special characteristics and effects of play, selecting appropriate games, building up sequences in play
  • Play animation:
    the role of the play leader, experiencing personal joy through play, techniques to motivate players
  • The practice of playing:
    Experience a variety of games and methods: for movement, getting to know one another, encouraging creativity, social education, for relaxation
  • The games chest:
    innovative materials and tips for all age groups; specialist literature


  • Presentations on the theme of play: approx. 30 mins, as agreed
  • Seminars and workshops: running from ½ day to 2 days
  • Courses: several modules on focal points